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POE 다음 리그 1월 출시 예정

Updated at 2020-10-29 07:22:45

We were previously targeting a launch date of December 11 for our 3.13 end-game expansion. As we discussed last week, our new development methodology gives us confidence that we'd be able to hit this date with a high quality expansion. Yesterday, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077 will now be released on December 10. We do not want to put our players in a position of having to choose between these two games, so we have decided to step out of the way and delay the release of Path of Exile 3.13 until January.

We still expect to finish 3.13 by early/mid-December. The scope of this expansion will remain unchanged. During the month of delay before release, we will start work on the 3.14 expansion.

So that you still have some interesting Path of Exile stuff to play over the Christmas/New Year break, we're planning to run at least one multi-week event (for example, Flashback). We'll confirm details of these event(s) once we have put together a plan.

While this delay will hopefully not affect our development schedule, it will probably cause our release schedule to change a little bit during 2021. We'll post details about this as soon as we have more information about these dates and when we'll be announcing 3.13.

In the meantime, let's all get out our Albino Rhoa Feathers and pray to Kuduku that they don't delay again.


사펑 발매일과 겹치는걸 원치 않고 다음리그 퀄리티를 위해 리그 오프날짜는 똑같고 중간에 플래시백 같은 땜빵 리그 굴린 이후에 내겠다는거 같습니다




ㅂ변명 변ㅇ변명 집어치우고 니네 부터 싸펑하려고 그러는거 다 안다


2020-10-29 09:16:42

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수확리그하고 이번 강탈 거르길 잘 한거군요.....

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