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만프레드:17포스트시즌때도 휴지통 두들겼다

Updated at 2020-02-20 03:32:32


"Garbage can signaling went on during the 2017 postseason," Manfred said, clarifying a point that wasn't explicitly clear in the original Jan. 13 report. "There was conflicting evidence on that point. In an investigation you often have conflicting evidence and it was my view that the more credible evidence was that they continued to use this scheme in the postseason."





뭐 이미 처음 보고서 나올때부터 나온건데 코xx 라든지 자꾸 우린 포시때 안했다고 구라치니 오함마 내려치는 모습이긴 합니다



"The idea of an asterisk or asking for a piece of metal back seems like a futile act. People will always know that something was different about the 2017 season, and whether we made that decision right or wrong, we undertook a thorough investigation, and had the intestinal fortitude to share the results of that investigation, even when those results were not very pretty." 


휴스턴의 우승을 빼앗는 것에 대해서
:해당 우승에 별표를 쳐서 구분해준다거나, 금속 쪼가리를 돌려받는건 쓸데없는 짓이다. 사람들은 언제나 2017년에 대해서 뭔가가 다르다는 걸 느낄것이다. 그리고 우리의 결정이 옳고 그르고를 떠나서 우리는 조사를 진행했고 꿋꿋하게 그 결과를 공유했다.


하지만 최근 월시 우승 트로피를 금속쪼가리라 했죠.



Manfred also stated that the Major League Baseball Players Association did not allow the league to interrogate players without granting them immunity.

"We would not have gotten where we got, in terms of understanding the facts, learning the facts, disclosing the facts," Manfred said, "if we hadn't reached that agreement."

In a statement later Tuesday night, the MLBPA confirmed that it in the wake of The Athletic story, it sought confirmation from the league that players connected to the allegations would not be disciplined. The union said it received that confirmation promptly, and player interviews in the league investigation began soon thereafter.
디애슬래틱 보도대로, 사무국은 관련 선수들을 징계하지 않는다는 약속을 하고, 노조가 이를 컨펌한 뒤 선수 인터뷰가 곧바로 진행되었다고.

"Any suggestion that the Association failed to cooperate with the Commissioner's investigation, obstructed the investigation, or otherwise took positions which led to a stalemate in the investigation is completely untrue," the union said as part of its statement. "We acted to protect the rights of our members, as is our obligation under the law."
선수노조는 이에 대해 "조사를 방해한 것은 사실이 아니다"라는 입장.

Manfred said he will uphold his promise of immunity toward Astros players, but he admitted that he might have to "think long and hard" about granting it again in the future. The union, in its statement, said that it has exchanged proposals with the league in recent weeks on potential rule changes for affecting sign stealing and other areas and "we have made it clear to MLB that no issue is off the table, including player discipline."

만프레드는 노조와 약속한 면책특권을 지킬 것이지만, 향후에도 지켜야 하는가에 대한 문제는 깊이 고민해봐야 한다고 밝혔네요. 

그리고 최근 노조 때문에 처벌 불가능 이라 자기쉴드치고 계신데

애초에 선수처벌 규정이 없습니다. 그래서 조사 시작부터 노조한테 우린 선수 처벌 안함 이라고 하고 노조는 확답을 받은거일테고요.



맷 무어가 이미 15년에 숨은 카메라의 존재를 노조에 알렸고 노조가 사무국에 알렸지만 실사가 필요하다는 답변 이후 아무 일도 벌어지지 않았고

익명을 요구한 투수가 노조회의때 비슷한 말을 했지만 이후 상황이 바뀌지 않은거에 놀랬다고 합니다



하지만 이미 2015년부터 이야기 나온걸 서로 대충 넘긴 사무국과 노조의 환장의 콜라보네요. 

리그가 망해도 할말 없음. 

버드 셀릭도 현역 내내 욕 진창 먹었는데 어이구 역대 최악의 커미셔너 등판 하셨습니다. 

퍼펙트게임 하시겠어요

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